Category Archives: Anorexia
Lose Weight: Stop Worrying About Losing Weight With Intuitive Eating
In a recent interview Melissa McCarthy was asked how she lost the weight and her answer was simply “I stopped worrying so much about it” and it just started to come off. This was such a pleasant surprise to hear. … Continue reading
How to Stop Binging – Life on the Inside from a Recovering Food Addict
I am posting this excerpt from the blog of a local Victoria personal trainer named Tara Brunet from Training by Tara Brunet because it so beautifully describes very common struggles with anxiety and binge eating in a down to earth way … Continue reading
Eating in Balance: Trusting yourself around food
If you eat when you are full, stop when you are comfortably full and have treats in moderation knowing you can always have more later then you are “naturally eating”. Your body will regulate your intake by telling you when … Continue reading
Addiction: What causes addiction and what promotes recovery
Here is a great short video explaining the mechanisms of addiction and recovery. Very to the point. I just love it. Thanks for another informative video Gabor Mate. Gabor Mate: What is addiction
Vulnerability: From Brene Brown’s Ted Talk to Daily Life
I have found when working with people from a variety of backgrounds that so many common themes become apparent in regards to human suffering. That is to say, that regardless of the differences in culture, gender or a myriad of … Continue reading
The Question of Frequency in Therapy: How much and how often Has it ever occurred to you how counsellors or clients decide on how often they will have their sessions? How often does one need to set aside time to explore, grow awareness, and practice feeling in a safe environment? … Continue reading
What is Normal?
My clients often ask me, in various ways, am I normal? Is this behaviour normal? It seems to be one of people’s greatest fears, not being “normal”. Why do we want to be normal? What is normal anyway? When my … Continue reading
Personal Power and Body Language
Have you ever considered the relationship between what you do and how you feel, between your actions and your emotions? For example, it has always amazed me that when I am feeling good, energized or confident how I also tend … Continue reading
Healthy Breakfasts Lead to Improved Mood
A healthy breakfast gets our brain and body started for the day which usually leads to higher productivity and a feeling of accomplishment. Give your body what it needs to do its job and you will be working against depression … Continue reading