Category Archives: ADD / ADHD
Addiction: What causes addiction and what promotes recovery
Here is a great short video explaining the mechanisms of addiction and recovery. Very to the point. I just love it. Thanks for another informative video Gabor Mate. Gabor Mate: What is addiction
ADD, ADHD or Vision Problem: Convergence Insufficiency Highlighted
Below is some fascinating reading about the surprisingly high frequency of ADD/ADHD misdiagnosis. If you (that’s right, adults may be misdiagnosed as well) or your child are struggling with reading, learning, school or work tasks, school or work relationships, you … Continue reading
Multiple Intelligences
I came across an advertisement for a new TV show called “Canada’s Smartest Person”. I had to laugh because I thought, “how will they determine that?”, “What type of measuring stick will they use”? I mean, I believe there are … Continue reading
Healthy Breakfasts Lead to Improved Mood
A healthy breakfast gets our brain and body started for the day which usually leads to higher productivity and a feeling of accomplishment. Give your body what it needs to do its job and you will be working against depression … Continue reading
New Insight Into ADD
Here is a very interesting interview with Gabor Mate discussing his ideas about ADD. It is 26 minutes long but there is a lot to learn in just the first few minutes:
Helping You Get More of What You Want
I am starting a blog today to offer information and advice from one human being to another. In my work I find that my clients are the experts on their lives and I am the expert on helping them get … Continue reading
A Place to Post
In my reading and in my practice as a counsellor in Victoria, BC I often come across articles, readings, events and stories which I think are worth sharing. This is where I can bring worthwhile information to people’s attention.
Breaking Bad Habits Workshop
Learn how to break those longstanding habits that have haunted you for as long as you can remember Three workshop dates: Saturday March 15/14 – 9:00am to 1:00pm Saturday March 29/14 – 9:00am to 1:00pm Saturday April 12/14 – 9:00am … Continue reading