Tag Archives: esteem
Personal Power and Body Language
Have you ever considered the relationship between what you do and how you feel, between your actions and your emotions? For example, it has always amazed me that when I am feeling good, energized or confident how I also tend … Continue reading
10 things no one tells women about turning 40: self-esteem and getting older
Below is a great link to a thought-provoking piece on getting older and wiser and, in particular how your self-esteem tends to grow naturally through this experience. I have found that getting older, a.k.a., having more life experience/learning, has led … Continue reading
Complications of Eating Disorders – Symptoms You May Never Have Imagined
In Victoria BC where I have my private practice we have hundreds of counsellors who advertise a specialty in eating disorders. There is a great demand for support in this area. One of the more interesting phenomena that I observe … Continue reading
Eating Disorders: Who is at Risk?
Eating Disorders 1) Who is at Risk? Recently I was asked who I find are the most common people to experience eating disorders. In my practice I see people from all walks of life that are experiencing a dysfunctional focus … Continue reading