Category Archives: Bisexual
Vulnerability: From Brene Brown’s Ted Talk to Daily Life
I have found when working with people from a variety of backgrounds that so many common themes become apparent in regards to human suffering. That is to say, that regardless of the differences in culture, gender or a myriad of … Continue reading
Healthy Breakfasts Lead to Improved Mood
A healthy breakfast gets our brain and body started for the day which usually leads to higher productivity and a feeling of accomplishment. Give your body what it needs to do its job and you will be working against depression … Continue reading
10 things no one tells women about turning 40: self-esteem and getting older
Below is a great link to a thought-provoking piece on getting older and wiser and, in particular how your self-esteem tends to grow naturally through this experience. I have found that getting older, a.k.a., having more life experience/learning, has led … Continue reading
Coming Back From Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety can haunt any of us but learning new life skills can permanently help you move through difficult life situations in a healthy way as quickly as possible. Do not let lack a of knowledge and awareness hold … Continue reading