Tag Archives: low self-esteem
How to Stop Binging – Life on the Inside from a Recovering Food Addict
I am posting this excerpt from the blog of a local Victoria personal trainer named Tara Brunet from Training by Tara Brunet because it so beautifully describes very common struggles with anxiety and binge eating in a down to earth way … Continue reading
When is Your Cupcake Good Enough? Self Esteem and Self-Talk
A common theme in my work is helping clients work through the anxiety that comes from setting standards for themselves that are impossible to reach and then feeling disappointed that they are never doing enough. As you can no doubt … Continue reading
Eating in Balance: Trusting yourself around food
If you eat when you are full, stop when you are comfortably full and have treats in moderation knowing you can always have more later then you are “naturally eating”. Your body will regulate your intake by telling you when … Continue reading
10 Differences Between Boring People and Interesting People
This article caught my eye because I was quite skeptical about “what a boring person is” and, “who is this guy to decide what is and isn’t boring?” But, I have to say, the author, Paul Hudson, makes some very … Continue reading
Study Shows How Toxic Bosses Wreck Teamwork
Below is an article sent to me by a colleague that comments on how supervisors have an incredible impact on the performance and productivity of the teams that work under them. If only we could all get our negative supervisors … Continue reading
Personal Power and Body Language
Have you ever considered the relationship between what you do and how you feel, between your actions and your emotions? For example, it has always amazed me that when I am feeling good, energized or confident how I also tend … Continue reading
10 things no one tells women about turning 40: self-esteem and getting older
Below is a great link to a thought-provoking piece on getting older and wiser and, in particular how your self-esteem tends to grow naturally through this experience. I have found that getting older, a.k.a., having more life experience/learning, has led … Continue reading
Client Letters: How can I support my niece with her eating disorder and drug use when it is so painful to see?
The letter below has had the names and other identifying information changed to protect the individuals involved. Dawn, I’m having this struggle and thought I might ask you for a bit of guidance if you don’t mind. With the passing … Continue reading
Free Yourself From Food Stress: How to know what, when, and how much to eat
Below is a worksheet written by Michelle Morand from the Cedric Centre for Counselling that I think might interest anyone who wants to know how to Free Yourself From Food Stress: How to know what, when, and how much to eat. Its … Continue reading
How to Teach Your Dog to Come: A Lifesaving Technique for Personal Change
I have decided to post this video of how to teach your dog to come because, in so many ways, I feel like the behavioural psychology of training a dog exemplifies how we, as human beings, can make changes in … Continue reading