Tag Archives: over eating
Complications of Eating Disorders – Symptoms You May Never Have Imagined
In Victoria BC where I have my private practice we have hundreds of counsellors who advertise a specialty in eating disorders. There is a great demand for support in this area. One of the more interesting phenomena that I observe … Continue reading
Posted in All lifestyles, Anorexia, Anxiety, Binge Eating, Bulimia, depression, dieting, eating disorders, Eating Disorders / Food and Body Image, Night Eating, Orthorexia, Overeating, Overexercise, Self-Esteem, Stress, trauma
Tagged anorexia, Anxiety, binge eating, binging, bulimia, dieting, esteem, night eating, orthorexia, over eating, over exercising, Panic, self, Stress
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Eating Disorders: Who is at Risk?
Eating Disorders 1) Who is at Risk? Recently I was asked who I find are the most common people to experience eating disorders. In my practice I see people from all walks of life that are experiencing a dysfunctional focus … Continue reading
Posted in All lifestyles, Anorexia, Anxiety, Binge Eating, Bulimia, depression, dieting, eating disorders, Eating Disorders / Food and Body Image, Night Eating, Orthorexia, Overeating, Overexercise, Self-Esteem, Stress, trauma
Tagged anorexia, Anxiety, binge eating, binging, bulimia, dieting, esteem, night eating, orthorexia, over eating, over exercising, Panic, self, Stress
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