Once upon a time I looked up the definition of Buddhism and came upon this video (link below), a documentary about the life of Buddha and principles of Buddhism. It is a lovely description of a complex subject, yet not so complex.
I find so many of the principles I have learned in University and in subsequent years of practice fit perfectly into my practice of yoga and of Buddhism. This is not something I looked for but rather, I started practicing yoga as many do, to help my back and inadvertently came upon these principles. There is so much peace in these ideas and practices.
I cannot say that I know everything there is to know about Buddhism as a practice but I look forward to learning more. I have read that “Yoga and Buddhism are sister traditions which evolved in the same spiritual culture of ancient India) (AIVS) . They each have 8 limbs and address all areas of living.
Dawn Cox does counselling in person in Victoria BC as well as online via Skype, FaceTime and Google Hangout