New Online Health Consultation System in BC –

A relatively new system has come available to residents of BC who have MSP coverage and feel they would benefit from seeing a doctor (GP’s and other specialties) via an online appointment . You can also pay independantly of MSP for appointments as well. The system is called and it’s as easy as a few clicks to get started. You simply log in as a patient and fill in what your concern or problem is and you will be set up with an appointment on the spot or for a time that suits you. They can evaluate your problem, write you a prescription or set up a referral all online.

The system has recently just opened up to other helping practitioners as well. I signed up about month ago and found the process fairly simple. There is an instant chat window available with very helpful staff that hold your hand through any questions or concerns.

I have yet to get a referral from the system but I think it may take time for the staff and doctors to get in the loop about additional practitioners being available.

Here is a link:

I will keep you posted on how the system works 🙂

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