The Tomato Cage: A Metaphor for Life

I came across this lovely little metaphor for life that I wanted to share in a brief story posted in a yoUnlimited newsletter.  The concept is quite simple, a tomato cage is a support that loosely props the growing tomato plant and allows it to thrive, growing beyond its potential without that support.

We all need that kind of personal support to grow and thrive. It helps stave off depression and anxiety by reducing isolation and helping us get our life needs met. The question is… how can we create that support for ourselves if it is not already there?  I have put together some links to ideas for doing just that. yoUnlimited is just such a group, generally intended to support women. Here are a few others with some great ideas for building your own “tomato cage”:

15 Tips for Building a Personal Support Network

Mayo Clinic

Community Roundtable

American Psychological Association

Depression Toolkit


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