Tag Archives: Sadness
Personal Power and Body Language
Have you ever considered the relationship between what you do and how you feel, between your actions and your emotions? For example, it has always amazed me that when I am feeling good, energized or confident how I also tend … Continue reading
Getting Comfortable with Being Alone: Is your own company really that bad?
My sister sent me this link today… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7X7sZzSXYs&feature=youtu.be (4 and a half mins long) and it really resonated with me.It is a video poem created by Andrea Dorfman that talks about getting more comfortable with being alone. Its worth watching more … Continue reading
Coming Back From Depression and Anxiety
Depression and anxiety can haunt any of us but learning new life skills can permanently help you move through difficult life situations in a healthy way as quickly as possible. Do not let lack a of knowledge and awareness hold … Continue reading